Our true essence is love
I Support Every Level of Soul Awakening
Welcome to my website! My name is Sarah Paasch and I am a buoyantly curious and creative soul. I thrive on making more meaning through uncovering depth and creating human connection. All of my work is driven by a deep passion for awakening. I channel what's real and raw. I reframe what's scary and forgotten. I witness the kind of beauty most of the world misses when they seek within the shadows. It's an unconditional kind of soul searching that I journey upon. My path is messy, filled with sharp turns, dead ends and a beautiful alchemical magic. All of the work I create is for the purpose of returning to the truth of who we are beyond the stories and experiences, Love.
My Offerings
My astrology consultations can help clarify your unique life path, your natural gifts and personal challenges. My practice is a combination of archetypal and ancient astrology, offering specific guidance for working more consciously with planetary cycles, including the timing of major planetary transits and personal progressions. I also offer electional consultations for optimal date selection, relationship consultations for chart comparison and astrological synastry to understand any relationship gifts and challenges.
Are you ready to deepen your relationship with yourself and invest in creating the life you desire?
I have experience supporting people in career transition, relationship healing, and ongoing personal development. My coaching is a combination of science-based mindfulness techniques, self-compassion and intuitive counseling. With practical strategies, you will break-free from your limiting beliefs and unhelpful patterns so that you can live with more authenticity and empowerment.
“The universe was on my side when I selected Sarah as my coach. Coaching with Sarah had been the greatest investment I’ve made in my life. Her guidance has always made me feel empowered to make my own choices in life. She guided me to get to know myself and discover who I really am. I am now my own best friend! She helped me develop a healthy relationship with my own reality and stop living in fear and grasping for hope. I now make every small and big decision in my life from a state of a calm and balanced nervous system, with sense of curiosity and playfulness and a deep connection to truth. I am in awe of all the goodness that has come into my life. She has truly taught me how to receive. I’ve left a toxic marriage. I’ve developed my own clear communication skills. I’ve pursued my passion around yoga nidra and non-sleep deep rest. I bring ease into my life as a mother. I have the healthiest romantic relationship I’ve ever been in with the most satisfying sex ever and peaceful conversation and playful dates. I am excited to wake up each day and live my dream life over and over again. ”
“Sarah is a gifted guide and teacher. I greatly respect and have personally grown from her ability to listen with utmost compassion and focus, to teach with respect toward the student’s unique process, and to encourage and guide with contagious joy. Whether it’s through yoga practice, astrology counsel, or guidance on how to be with and nurture our intentions to their fullest, creative, abundant expression, Sarah’s wisdom and grace will lead you home.”
“My virtual reading with Sarah was a great experience. She explained herself as she worked through the chart and helped me to understand characteristics of myself that I did not realize before and how those things impact me throughout my life. After the session I felt motivated and like I had a new outlook on life. I would definitely recommend this service to everyone to try, especially if you need some direction or a supportive chat. Awesome service!”
“Over the decades I’ve had sessions with astrologers, Reiki masters, psychics, and all other sorts of holistic healing practitioners. This is my second astrological session with Sarah and I find her work has been the most right-on and user-friendly in reviewing past significant dates and my current situations. The planets, the houses, North Nodes, Saturn square - I get lost in all of that! but she explains it in an easy to follow way. Her knowledge base is extremely strong, plus she has the additional gift of intuition which allows her to go deeper and more broadly with the information at hand. I never felt judged or uncomfortable with what she was explaining to me. Lastly I asked for, and she provided some ideas for how to step forward with the information. I highly recommend Sarah Paasch!”

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Life coaching
1-on-1 coaching is designed to support you to clarify your intentions and desires for personal change. As a client, I support you to learn and apply sustainable methods for self-healing as you begin taking inspired action towards your vision. As a mirror of your potential, this coaching container will consistently call you forward and support you in moving through any obstacles along the way with more compassion and confidence.
In my work with archetypal and ancient astrology, I have found the practice to be a highly effective method for living with deeper intention and alignment to the Soul’s evolutionary path. The more that we understand the language of our natal chart, the more we can discover deeper meaning and empowerment in and through our life circumstances.
Astrology has given me a context and lens for understanding the balance of free-will and fate; I resonate with the idea that the universe needs our active participation, just as much as we need the ageless wisdom and guidance of something greater than ourselves.
My astrology reading style is a combination of intuitive, educational and conversational. Archetypal astrology works in layers, taking us deeper into personal self-awareness, self-acceptance and ultimately, authentic self-expression. Combining the ancient astrology techniques gives a clear set of expectations in working with the timing and influence of personal transits.
intuitive development coaching
I support highly sensitive individuals to heal and empower their relationship to their sensitivities. In a coaching container, I serve as a compassionate and honest mirror for your intuitive development, allowing you to rediscover the power of your emotions and intuitive gifts. In this coaching program, you will also complete live practice sessions with my support to help build your professional experience and practice with your gifts. This is an investment in refining your relationship to your internal guidance system and deepening your self-trust, so that you can fully share your unique and healing gifts with the world.

“Away from the smog in cities, our hearts are drawn west, where the only dust is earth, and the only barrier is the sky. Head west for the silence that roars from a wild heart.”