APRIL 2019 Astrology | Living on Purpose | Finesse, Faith and Deep Connection Renewal

April 2019 | Monthly Astrology Update

Destiny is calling, and is not willing to wait on hold. There is a fork in the path, and you know you must take the road less traveled. Your heart will not lead you astray; your purpose will not leave you empty. Allow yourself time to hover in any uncertainty or confusion until the moment comes for you to fearlessly leap into the forthcoming adventure. Getting extremely clear on what is right for you and making peace with what is not, is not a sign of hesitation, but a sign of spiritual maturity; trust that you will know what is true and when it is time to act.

April is a month of aligning with divine direction and timing, as we all transition from one life phase to the next. Change is in the air, and we are asked to root into purpose and trust for where we are being carried as we cross a major threshold and fully leave the past behind. The opportunity to move forward arrives with a need to release in order to create space for the new. Using wisdom from the many lessons of this past season and Mercury Retrograde, we can trust that we know what is best for us at this point and set down the things (beliefs, stories, relationships, desires, projects, etc.) that do not truly nourish our next phase of life. If something is not fueling our connection to what we value and draining our resources to show up for the sacred work we are here to complete, it is not worthy of our time and energy, and will be asked to be sacrificed.

Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn will all station retrograde this month, initiating us into a complete restructuring of our day-to-day life so that we may deepen our work to transcend material driving motivations, revitalize our faith in what we name our guiding principle, and reclaim responsibility for our contribution to our own happiness.

The Aries New Moon in the beginning of the month points to a reinvigoration of our ideals and guidance from nature to trust our inspired initiatives to move towards a direction of new growth; clearing out the fears that want security over joyful experience will be a rewarding part of this transition. Mercury officially leaves shadow and enters Aries 4-16, just days before the (second) Libra Full Moon on 4-19. Clarity finally feels lighter and a second chance to realign and renew our intentions for the transition into this new cycle will be offered.

The more we can approach this month with spiritual maturity, patience, trust and faith that fulfilling our true inner guidance is in benefit for All, the more we can enter this new phase of life with purity and passion for a purpose.

“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. ”
― Seneca