Mars Retrograde in Aries, September 9th-November 13th 2020


The planet Mars is currently undergoing a retrograde from September 9th-November 13th 2020, from 28 to 15 degrees of Aries, and packing a punch in the final months of 2020. In astrology, Mars is the planet of war, and rules things like passion, will power, and instincts towards aggression. For the next 8 weeks, we will be on a personal and collective Hero's journey to reclaim more respect in the use of our creative energies, and review the ways we allow the fire of Mars to get ahead of us.

Below are a few tips for traveling through this retrograde with mindfulness, and making the most of our Warrior training ahead.

CAUTION: Having courage without clarity can lead to a lot of energy wasted in the wrong direction. Before speeding forward, check that what sparks the flame of your drive to succeed is in alignment with the heart’s long-term plan. If you painfully wake up to see you are chasing someone else’s dream, you have the chance to redirect your creative energy into something worth fighting for—something you can truly call yours. This clarity may burn in the beginning, but it’s worth it in the long run.

PRACTICE AHIMSA: Ahimsa is translated as non-violence or love in action. Mars in Aries is a strong competitor with fierce potential to pioneer new beginnings, or leave scars if sharp reactions are left untamed. This retrograde will ask us to review the underlying motivations to what drives our desire to conquer, and heal what still keeps us in unconscious power-struggles. Does your competitive drive have a hidden need to prove yourself? Do you recognize your power enough to resource more mercy? You don’t have to be fake or force connection to commit to not causing harm.

ENERGY CONSERVATION: Be willing to witness where you expend your vital life force fighting against battles not worth your precious energy. Be willing to learn new strategies for conserving your strength. Be willing to admit defeat, without losing self-respect.

WARNING: During this retrograde, compulsiveness and inability to rest can be a warning sign of running from the fear of unworthiness. By slowing down and offering an internal sense of safety and compassion, we are able to reprogram the remembering that our worth is inherent. Experiment with inaction and witness whatever arises without judgement. Allow sitting in any fires of discomfort be the medicine that burns away your conditioned need to prove your worth through mindless effort.

HONOR YOUR LIMITS: Patriarchy’s praise for “no pain, no gain" mentality is guaranteed to result in burn-out. In the updated paradigm of pursuing our dreams, rather than pushing ourselves into exhaustion, we can enjoy a more natural pace towards reaching our goals. We can respect the body’s need for rest and the heart’s need for play. Overall, our resistance to slow down will have a lot to teach us during this Mars retrograde, and offer a chance to reclaim our power to not be rushed.

REALIGN: A healthy use of masculine energy is the ability to access objectivity and nonattachment to reason successfully with reality. Unfortunately, these qualities have become misused as toxic defense systems against a fear of "too much" feeling. Mars must learn to remain calm and collected in chaos, without dissociating from the experience. Mars must trade the armor of anger and defensiveness, with the courage to be patient and transparent. Instead of just surviving, Mars can begin to thrive with a healthier balance of self-reliance and mutually beneficial collaboration.

May the force of love and unity be with you!

Always Love, Sarah

To find more guidance for working with this season's astrology, check out the latest post on Mars square Saturn on my Instagram page.

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